More possibilities with the new Omega-Skinz Printables
2022.06.10 - Omega-Skinz has something new in store! The Omega-Skinz Printables! Whether it is a car, van, truck or boat, Omega-Skinz is the best skin you can drive in. Until now, you could choose from a wide range of 60 colours. But with the Printables, you can really go all out. More freedom and more possibilities. Read all about it.
You may have already seen a teaser on social media, but at the FESPA Global Print Expo in Berlin, the curtain finally came down on the real thing. “The Omega-Skinz Printables”. These are printable car wrap films that you can print according to your own style. The house style colours of a customer? A certain drawing, print or geometric pattern? Anything you can imagine, you can print it on the Omega-Skinz films.
You can use the Omega-Skinz Printables for any print job; whether it is a special design or just a commercial print on a company car. Success is guaranteed. Just as with the colour change colours of Omega-Skinz, these printable car wrap films also come with the air escape technology to facilitate application.
Printify your wrap
Omega-Skinz Printables have a uniquely beautiful ink absorption, which creates more colour depth. The colours are more outspoken and each design gets a big wow factor. The metallic pigments in the film remain visible through the print, so you get a chic look instead of an ordinary ‘sticker effect’. Moreover, image details are clearly visible thanks to the good printing properties.
How does it work?
You can choose from three types of printable car wrap films to create your ideal design.
With OS-500 White Wonder you go for a white base film with a grey adhesive layer. Do you want a deep, fresh colour with a pearlescent effect on your vehicle? This is possible with the OS-501 Pearl of Wisdom film. Are you going for OS-502 Silver Spirit? Then print on a grey base with metallic effect.
Thanks to the 4 Omega-Skinz laminates, you can give your design the final touch. Each laminate has its own special effect with which you can give each design the desired finish.
Do you want to accentuate the contours and shapes of a vehicle, or imitate the effect of matt car paint? Then use OS-510 Razorblade. If you want to go for a flat matt look, OS-511 Silky Satisfaction is the right choice. Want to keep the finish simple? OS-512 Clearcoat is the gloss laminate. Looking for a high gloss effect? Then use OS-513 Polished Pleasure.
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